Friday, 29 February 2008

The Austin Atlas

Third edition, pre-motorways.

Monday, 25 February 2008

The Congleton Lighthouse

Just found this in the Times archive:

I used to walk past the site of the lighthouse on my way into town or to school, but I've never seen a photo of it.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Where was I? #1

Where's this?

Scans: Telford 1974

A couple of illustrations from C Pritchard's 1974 book "The West Midlands":

"In the next ten years the districts will be linked by a high-speed ring road."

"If you lived at house A, you could walk along a footpath to work at factory B. On a wet day, you might catch a bus at the local centre and ride through the middle of the estate to the stop near the factory. On the other hand, van drivers delivering goods would drive from the main road link at C, along the encircling district road D to the access road at E. The houses, factories, paths and roads have been planned so that pedestrians and vehicles are separated."